
public final class CreateConfigurationRequest

Class representation of a request to create a configuration.


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public CreateConfigurationRequest CreateConfigurationRequest(@Json(name = "participants") List<ConfigurationParticipant> participants, @Json(name = "availability") ConfigurationAvailability availability, @Json(name = "event_booking") ConfigurationEventBooking eventBooking, @Json(name = "slug") String slug, @Json(name = "requires_session_auth") Boolean requiresSessionAuth, @Json(name = "scheduler") ConfigurationSchedulerSettings scheduler, @Json(name = "appearance") Map<String, String> appearance)


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public final class Builder

A builder for creating a CreateConfigurationRequest.


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private final Map<String, String> appearance

Appearance settings for the Scheduler UI.

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Rules that determine available time slots for the event.

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Booking data for the event.

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List of participants included in the scheduled event.

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If true, scheduling Availability and Bookings endpoints require a valid session ID.

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Settings for the Scheduler UI.

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private final String slug

Unique identifier for the Configuration object.


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public final Map<String, String> getAppearance()

Appearance settings for the Scheduler UI.

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Rules that determine available time slots for the event.

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Booking data for the event.

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List of participants included in the scheduled event.

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If true, scheduling Availability and Bookings endpoints require a valid session ID.

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Settings for the Scheduler UI.

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public final String getSlug()

Unique identifier for the Configuration object.